CFDC-SC Resources
Business Plan Template
Every good business begins with a good plan. We require a full business plan for the majority of our loans. If you aren't sure how to complete a business plan start with our business plan template and this helpful guide to teach you how to navigate the template.
Use of Funds Template
We require our applicants to build a simple plan for how they will use the funding requested of CFDC-SC. You can download a Use of Funds template here.
Financial Projections
We require two years of financial projections (or forecasts). Click here to download our Financial Projections template along with this helpful guide on how to complete your projections.
Personal Financial Statement
In addition to your business planning and financials, we require a household budget and a breakdown of your personal (applicant and spouse) assets and liabilities. You can download the template here.
Business Model Canvas
For smaller loans we sometimes allow applicants to submit a Business Model Canvas (BMC). You can download a template that acts as your BMC guide here.
All-In-One Template
Save time and download the Financial Projections, Use of Funds, and Personal Financial Template as one spreadsheet. You can download the all-in-one template here.